Stories Tagged: Human Rights Watch

What Really Caused the Al Ahli Hospital Explosion in Gaza?

The tragic explosion at Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza on October 17, 2023, has seen a significant... (1 revisions)

Human Rights Watch Raises $900,000 for Advocacy Work

On May 5, the Santa Barbara Committee of Human Rights Watch (HRW) hosted its annual Voices of... (7 revisions)

China's Campaign to Erase Uyghur Identity Through Food, Renaming of Villages, and Cultural Erasure

In addition to the cultural genocide and state violence in Xinjiang, China, there are also... (10 revisions)

Turkish State's War Crimes in Northern Syria Highlighted at UN Committee Against Torture

Human rights groups, including Amnesty International, have condemned Lebanon for its unlawful... (14 revisions)